Colombo Projects and Technologies (Pvt) Ltd (aka Colombo Projects) is a market leading information technology solution provider in Sri Lanka with a proven track record of cutting-edge ICT solutions to conglomerates, universities and state organizations for the last half a decade. The product and service portfolio of CPPL ranges from essential business ICT equipment to large scale IoT based technology solutions such as server farms, AI-enabled disaster recovery centres, to name a few.
CPPL has the record-breaking 24 x 7 support service structure in place with the lowest resolution time for troubleshooting in the urban ICT business arena. That is the secret behind the success of CPPL’s victory over the last half a decade, and we keep on practising the customs of customer wellbeing that directly reflects positively in our every year P&L.
CPPL’s goal is to deliver the best corporate ICT experience to your organition irrespective of the brands and methods in use. We use an assortment of hardware, software and expertise combined with ICT management solutions to provide seamless ICT infrastructure and experience to your requirement regardless of the project’s size, with an unbelievable price range in town.